“After our first couple of Zoom meetings, I knew that I had made the right decision for my business. And after a few weeks in the program, I realized that joining this Mastermind was one of the best decisions I had EVER made for my business in its 13 years of existence.”

Julie Powell, CPA

“I’m down to 40 hours a week (from insanity) and I’m four tax brackets higher. 

I wasn’t sure if this would work – the idea that we could hop off the hamster wheel sounds really out there. But  I was able to systematically reduce the amount of work I don’t care to do and spend more time making money on things I do like doing. 

We explored a few niches, and I never felt pressured to pursue something I didn’t like. I get to have a sounding board because we can be our own worst enemies, and I like having someone with expertise counseling CPAs to get to the crux of the issue and help fix it.”

Minnie Lau, CPA

Before I began Mastermind, it was like I was walking in the dark, and client work would just happen whenever. Now, with the help of GC, we have “turned on all the lights” and I can quickly recognize all the ‘things’ that might happen and know how to prepare for them. I also have the confidence to choose what work I will perform and which clients remain on my roster.

Had I not found GC and right-sized my client base (and increased prices), I could have easily been working 80 hours or more for the exact same amount of money. My hours now should be right at 40-45 hours per week during tax season and 20-30 outside of tax season.

Getting my hours down was more important than increasing revenue, but anyway, this past year, my firm generated an additional $100k in net profit from the prior year, and I expect this to become my new baseline going forward. In addition, my margins have about doubled. I was so underpriced I had to do twice the work to get the same profit. Now, I am finding the price ceiling for the work I offer. Meanwhile, the lower-margin work is being phased out.

What’s helped me the most is the weekly group coaching. So many of us will face similar struggles, and it's beyond beneficial to have a supportive group. Maybe someone has faced this before and can offer wisdom & best practices. And the rest of the group can learn how to navigate quicker by using this knowledge.

But the biggest overall difference for me is the confidence I have gained. I understand the demand of my expertise, I understand my value as a professional, and can articulate this back to the clients.

Melissa Downs, EA

I’ve achieved way more than I let myself hope for. We recently purchased a new trailer (as I’m making more $$$ in less hours) with dreams of meandering down the west coast to San Diego next spring (I’ll be working only 10-20 hours a week, from anywhere with wifi, thanks to you).

The main benefits? Community, guidance on working toward business goals, practicing new skills/offerings in a safe space, and more revenue.

Not to mention, it is so well organized! And there is a lot more content and help than I was expecting, that part’s great.

I like the community – everyone is so friendly and generous. It’s nice to ‘talk shop’ with other CPAs.

I created personal tax return pricing, rather than billing, including 50% increases, and that has been a positive experience with lots of signups from returning clients.

Laurie Rauk, CPA

You are helping me move forward so fast!

Randy Larkin, CPA

After listening to Geraldine’s podcast for a few months, it became clear that she “gets” the challenges that firm owners face and that she has a fresh, outside perspective on how we can make positive changes in our firms. I was at a point where I felt like my firm needed to implement some big changes in order for me to have balance in my life.

Geraldine helped me feel confident about creating boundaries with clients and she helped me explore various directions I could take my business to help me reach my personal and professional goals.

I really liked being able to shoot Geraldine a Slack message any time had a thought, idea, or question. It was especially helpful to talk through how to price potential new client work or if I even wanted to work with the potential client at all.

I highly recommend working 1:1 with Geraldine if you are feeling like you are putting your clients’, employees’, etc. needs and wants before your own or if you are looking for support with figuring out what you truly need and want as a firm owner.

Rebecca Driscoll, CPA

Geraldine helped me build a business that doesn't give me the Sunday Scaries! I have less clients and higher revenue than if I had built my firm without Geraldine's help. And I get to be the Mom I want to be!

Erica Goode, CPA

Geraldine has a lot of experience working with accountants who had a similar struggle as me, then turn into success.

I got the clarity, resources, and experience I needed to walk away with my exact next steps.

I truly believe that she can help accountants to move to the next level of success at any phase.

Andy Cha, CPA

The hardest thing was finding the time. But now I’m further down the path on not only who to work with, but how to work with them.

I got so much out of you focusing directly on my business, hearing what colleagues were doing, and knowing exactly what I was going to accomplish.

Side benefit? I’m pretty decent in Squarespace and took over some of my website copy/marketing and like it better than relying on a 3rd party provider to do all that. Which I know isn’t delegating, but it works for me.

I’d recommend Mastermind to anyone who is struggling with lots of low-paying clients and trying to figure out how to reposition into something smaller, tighter, ‘nichier’, higher-fee.

Thank you for everything!

Alicyn McLeod, CPA

“Creating packages with tiered pricing: that alone was worth tens of thousands.

I used to spend my days working around the clock juggling a messy CPA firm. I never had a clear pricing structure and as a result I underbid most jobs, did a lot of free work and was never able to make a big difference in my clients businesses. Now I have clear pricing that delivers value to my current clients, attracts even better clients and allows me to make more money, have more time with my family, and I feel better knowing that I am helping my clients businesses thrive. I have Geraldine to thank.”

Brian Poppleton, CPA

Geraldine helped me to realize that I have been targeting the wrong customer niche for where I want my revenue and customer size to be. Now I know who I should be targeting.

I also learned that what I have been selling has been marketed incorrectly. I was selling the "kitchen process" instead of the meal.

Geraldine listens. I felt like my concerns and needs were actually heard AND THEN addressed.

I like the breadth and depth of questions she asked me. It helped me to, on the fly, think about my business and what I was doing versus what I wanted to do with the business.

I appreciated that Geraldine told me what I was doing wrong and then gave me practical suggestions on how to fix the issues.

She's knowledgeable. She knows how to coach and help one see her business from a whole new perspective

She takes her time. Really! I never felt rushed to progress through the session. She even offered/suggested we discuss further, even though my scheduled time was over. Wow! Many coaches rush their sessions, not Geraldine.

She has some of the best analogies and examples I have ever heard! They are still stuck in my head. I am able to "see" what we were discussing, and that is helping me to look at ways to strategically re-shape and advance my business

I would absolutely recommend Geraldine! The ideas, revelation, pricing clarity, and customer-marketing knowledge I left the session made every minute of my 1-on-1 with Geraldine worthwhile. If she could provide these nuggets for me in an hour, I'm sure she can do the same for other accountants.

Thanks Geraldine! One hour with you picking my brain and advising me has reignited my passion for my business. I truly appreciate your time and help.

Ruth Barasa, CPA

“I would recommend CPA Mastermind to any CPA on any level because you can achieve goals through a systematic approach through the mind of an engineer, you can test it with peers, and it forces/helps you first see your obstacles so that you can then overcome the obstacles.”

Kathy Duryea, CPA

I was concerned that I wouldn't be focused or prepared enough to get much done, but Geraldine’s so patient and supportive. And a great listener. She let me talk but also get me focused on what I needed to get out of the call.

She made everything feel very pragmatic. I left feeling confident I could do what I called about and needed help with.

I feel like I could call again just to bounce ideas off her. There were so many things I walked away with that I didn't expect to get. She's very transparent about showing you how she does it and even better and cheaper ways to do it - and to avoid the mistakes and ways she wished she'd have done it better.

I’d recommend her 100%. There are takeaways I've already implemented in my business.

I feel like I've got a blueprint for what I need to do. She helped me see what I couldn't. And really, she helped me see that I already had everything. I just needed to put it into action. I'll be replaying the recording of our call many, many times.

Kevin Freidberg

“I am extremely grateful I came across you on LinkedIn and made the commitment when I did. I was getting by in business but was losing the passion to show up for my clients and that has completely changed. I feel confident in the direction my business is going and excited about the clients on my roster.”

Heck Yes! I recommend CPA Mastermind to anyone I know in a similar situation as I am at in my business. The main reason is the very specific niche that Geraldine works with, the conversations, advice, and coaching is very very specific and that takes out the work that might otherwise fall on my plate. Rather than advice like “add a client pain point to your wording”, you get “add the struggle of getting in touch with your accountant and being left in the dark”.

Mastermind has helped me eliminate clients I don’t enjoy working on. I found a group of clients that I really connect with and it just feels “easy” to serve. I know how to talk about the services I provide from my clients pain points vs what I will be doing for them. I get accountability to actually do the stuff to move the business forward instead of always working on client things. And I get permission and encouragement to dream bigger.

I stayed for another round to keep the momentum going. I show up differently for my clients when I am getting coached in my own business. I wanted that extra support during a time that it is easier to get buried in client work.”

Sheila Hansen, CPA

“My monthly billing is going up – still in the process of raising prices for my existing clients, and I have a waiting list of monthly clients wishing to work with me at my much higher new rates! I expect to make over $300,000 for myself and give my staff significant raises as well in 2023. In truth I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I am excited to come to work again!”

Wendy Norman, CPA

I recently did a strategy session with Geraldine and her insights were very valuable. I was seeking some specific advice on pricing work for new and existing clients. It was apparent she addressed this same issue in the past with other CPAs and I found her suggestions to be insightful and actionable.

The strategy session is a great opportunity to get feedback from an objective source. I appreciate her coaching style and expertise and look forward to my next opportunity to work with her.

AJ Bonhomme Jr. CPA PC

The investment has been returned multiple times over already, and now I wish I had connected with Geraldine years ago.

On the surface the fees seem relativley high. However, as you being to work with Geraldine, you will realize you are investing in your business. I started with a smaller investment intially just to get a sense of how things worked, and how Geraldine and I would connect.

My current goal in working with Geraldine is to maintain the current revenue level while reducing my time on client work. I am trying to reduce my average work week from 60+ hours week to 30after one round of coaching, I hover around 45 hours.

Geraldine has helped me to realize my value, and do a better job at setting fees.

She keeps me focused on the prize and offers insightful alternatives to thinking about challenges that I am facing

I’d recommend working with Geraldine without question. Between the individualized support, the knowledge of industry and our particular challenges, and being an excellent listener, I have a plan to enjoy my work rather than be frustrated by it, I’m a better leader, and I’m retaining my sanity.

Stefanie Fournier, CPA

“Realizing that *I* get to design the services my clients need and want was a total game changer. Now I’m building my practice that fits my vision, rather than building off of whatever came to my door. It’s exciting, and refreshing.”

Janet Gibb, CPA

Committing to the initial investment was the biggest obstacle. By having a conversation with you, it gave me the courage to take the leap. I avoided a ton of mistakes I would've otherwise made. The structure provides me with a clear path and accountability checks so I stay focused. I likely would still be spinning my wheels if not for going through CPA Mastermind.

I enjoy the candid feedback from you. Whenever I have a conversation with you, I feel like I am leveling up. The same could be said about the life coaching sessions. I wanted to continue to have accountability and have a space to bounce ideas off of you and avoid getting stuck.

Whether you're just starting or years into the profession, the amount of clarity you get through the program is second to none. I feel so much more clear about who I want to serve, and how I want to serve them having gone through the program.

Matt Chiapetta, CPA

Because I do primarily stock option tax planning, I wasn’t sure whether my business would fit in the dynamics of the group. Happy to realize that that piece was irrelevant, and that there are plenty of issues and topics that span across the board (whether someone is doing tax or accounting or what not is secondary).

I appreciated the set office hours where members of the cohort get online. Many times just hearing about other people’s problems allow me to reflect on my own practice and how I can approach things to improve mine, and that there are different ways of doing things besides what we’ve been accustomed to doing.

I also needed the accountability. Even if life is busy you still make time for this. I needed the community– a group super friendly accountants all trying to move towards their goal. Seeing and hearing from others that my problems are not just “my problems” really resonated with me.

It may seem like a lot of money up front, but the improvements once implemented you should be able to recoup your investment pretty quickly.

I would recommend CPA Mastermind to CPAs who are serious about making changes to their practice and is willing to make the investment in time (and money). Because if you’re just toying around with the idea, a lot of the work that you do in this program is going to challenge a lot of personal beliefs and you need to be open to doing things a different way.

If nothing else, reach out to Geraldine and have a conversation. You owe it to yourself to see if there’s something better out there.

Minnie Lau, CPA

Increased billings 20% while decreasing hours 20% percent in 6 months

“Reached out to Geraldine after listening to her podcast for several months. As a CPA “on the hamster wheel” I was looking for ways to continue to give my clients great service while getting some of time back! I had never worked with a coach before and wasn’t sure of what to expect, but was drinking the Kool-Aid she was selling and willing to give it a try!

Over a six month period we worked on everything from firm management, processes and procedures, marketing, pricing, and staffing. I think the most surprising thing about the process was that she never told me how things had to be done. She would ask what I wanted to work on and offer suggestions and ideas, but really challenged me to come up with solutions to my own problems.

The experience was completely tailored to my situation, which I loved!  As a result of working with Geraldine, I have added higher level advisory services, increased my prices (without any push back) and learned ways to get some of my time back. Geraldine has helped me to achieve my goal of increasing my billings by 20 percent while decreasing my hours by 20 percent. I would highly recommend working with Geraldine!”

Lisa Jones, CPA

Full program insights from only a Strategy Session

“My Strategy Session with Geraldine provided me not only with much needed clarity on next steps in my business journey, but the well-timed kick-in-the-pants to move forward quicker and with more gusto. Geraldine has a way of asking razor-sharp questions that get straight to the point and although our call was a mere 1 hour, the insight I got felt like something you would get out of a full program. Excited for the future. Thanks Geraldine.”

Yuriy Lozynsky, CPA

“I can’t believe what just happened: today I signed two brand-new, game-changing clients (representing $150K in new business), after just 10 weeks of working together. I never would have had the know-how, the courage, or the wherewithal to do what I just did, without Geraldine. If that was just the start, I can’t wait to see what the next 10 weeks holds!”

Catherine Ozment, CPA

“I was working stupid hours, and not even sure I wanted to do tax anymore. Now, I know exactly what kind of work I want to do and who I want to do it for. I was feeling defeated but now I have hope again!”

Ellen Humphrey-Allen, CPA

“I was skeptical at first to work with a business coach 1 on 1 due to lack of time but once I spoke to Geraldine, my gut told me to go for it and boy am I glad that I did. Working with Geraldine was the best business decision I have made so far. Geraldine provided me with a razor sharp focus and clarity on who my audience is and how to help them find me (as opposed to me finding them). I now do not spend anything on advertising and yet my phone rings 4-5 times a week. Also, she helped me add new tiers of services to my practice which increased my monthly recurring income from less than $1,000 per month to more than $8,000 per month. That happened in just over 4 months. What else can I ask for :)”

Shaan Afridi, CPA

“The biggest obstacle to working with Geraldine at first was investing the money. It seemed like a big chunk of change and what if it didn’t go well?! But there was just something in my gut that told me I had a good service, I had proven I could make money, and this would give me some perspective on how to do it better.

After about 18 months of working together, my business is so much more profitable: I was able to confidently raise my prices and continue to do so. As a result, monthly revenue is up by a factor of 3.5, and margins are up from about 10% on average to about 30% on average.

She’s also helped me create a plan to move my business to where I want it to be in the future: $600K in 2022, while working 25 hours a week. If you had told me I would be on this trajectory a year ago, I would have said that’s completely crazy. But now, my goals seem entirely doable.

I can see my value better as a result of working with Geraldine, which helps me be more confident and actually serve my clients better.

I also love that I have a place to bring the little things I notice about myself that seem to be standing in my way. She has a way of letting me talk about them and then asking the right questions to really help me get to the heart of the matter. She’s helped me clear out so many mindset issues that used to really slow me down.

Plus, she knows the industry. She can speak the language and has experience successfully building her own business as well as helping others do the same.

So, I absolutely recommend working with Geraldine. If you want to understand the possibilities for your practice in terms of how much money you can make, how well you can serve your clients, and being able to work when, how, and with whom you want to, she’ll guide you there much faster and more comfortably than you can do it yourself.”

Emily Sandberg

“I thought I wouldn’t be able to afford her, but she gave me options and value that were right for my size! It’s great to work with a coach who has extensive knowledge of the CPA industry and its mindset – I get the confidence, direction, and ability to verbally brainstorm and organize all of the ideas running through my head. My mindset gets adjusted, and my business is headed in a more profitable direction. Geraldine “gets it” and is great at what she does.

And when I finally got over my fear of deciding who I wanted my ideal buyer to be, EVERYTHING felt easier. I was no longer running in 10 directions - I was running in 1. And I started seeing my ideal buyer EVERYWHERE!”

Erica Goode, CPA

Geraldine’s 1 hour session left me with more confidence than I had before with two areas that I struggle in: pricing and disengagement. I appreciated the individual attention and helped me figure out my main concerns regarding my firm.

I like that Geraldine works specifically with solo CPA’s and not big corps or partnerships. She gets us.

She’ll help you identify your key strengths and weaknesses, and then focus on those strengths which can then become your “niche.”

Yes for sure I’d recommend her. If you don’t follow her or listen to her podcasts, I suggest you do. They are full of useful info, and its great to hear that there are other CPA’s going through the same struggles. They are also a testament to her dedication in helping CPA’s reach their potential.

Paul Koufos, CPA, EA, MBA

PS – I liked that there was no pushy salesperson involved when considering working with Geraldine. There are other accounting coaches (which I won’t name) that have their sales people call you and push their product on you and won’t take no for an answer.


“Geraldine has given me the guidance I needed. Now instead of feeling overwhelmed, caught up in my head and stuck, I am finally making progress to pivot my business into value-based pricing and services.”

Heather Zeitzwolfe, CPA

“Working with Geraldine is so refreshing because she gets down to the numbers quickly and doesn't waste time on coaching "fluff"! In just a single strategy session, we were able to identify clear actions that I needed to take in my business to reduce my client work overwhelm and reach my revenue goals. Exactly what I needed! Thanks Geraldine! Always a pleasure!”

Hannah Smolinski, CPA

“My business experienced 197% growth in under 12 months after one single 30-minute call with Geraldine.”

John Strickler, Profit First Professional


“When I started working with Geraldine, I was frustrated and overwhelmed. I was tired of being a solo business owner and unsure of how to move forward to grow my business. Over our months together, Geraldine really supported both me and my business in every sense. She listens carefully and takes in where I'm showing resistance, confidence, or excitement. Slowly I gained clarity regarding time management and how to focus on my audience and not waste time on steps that didn't move me forward. She took me out of the fear of failure into continuous forward movement. I'm grateful for my time working with Geraldine!”

Christine Lustik

“Holy cow!!! I have been literally agonizing over what to charge for two new services we want to offer this year that are nuanced and hard to price. I have read books and listened to podcasts, all giving me decent ideas, but not helping me hone in on my unique pricing challenges. So I decided to reach out to Geraldine for help, and WOW!! In only two hours, she helped me figure it out!!

The pricing takes into account all the nuances- the challenges of my target clients, and all my expenses and planned growth. She was so methodical, smart, and asked me ALL the right questions! And right before my eyes, on a google sheet, she built out my pricing strategy, and now I can FINALLY start helping our clients in a way that is more effective, efficient, and cost conscious for them, all while making a great profit margin!!

I am eternally grateful and will go to her for any and all pricing strategy needs moving forward.”

Erin Longmoon


“I am a long time listener of Geraldine's podcast and reached out for a coaching call. She was able to help me set up a simple system for my company to track financial health. This was a GAME-CHANGER, as it surfaces key metrics into a single dashboard, just adding 1 step to my existing financial reporting process. As a busy executive, this is EXACTLY what I needed to set us up to track financial KPIs, have a strong footing to grow the team, and give back to organizations we want to support.”

Rocio Baeza